Sunday, April 7, 2013

Leftover Garden Salad Soup

This is the cheapest and tastiest soup ever!
Taking leftover salad then adding in a few
ingredients to create a really healthy soup.
The salad must not have salad dressing on it.
You can use the Raman noodles flavor packet
or do as I did with some Better Than Boullion.
The secret is to add in some butter to this.

Leftover garden fresh green salad
4 cups water, about
1 tablespoon Better Than Boullion
I used the chicken flavor.
1 package Raman noodles
Seasoning to your desired taste
1 tablespoon butter

Place leftover garden salad in a soup pot.
Cover with cold water by one inch or so.
Stir in the boullion flavoring and bring
to a boil on high heat to cook until the
vegetables are tender enough to chop up,
in a food processor or with a stick blender.
Blend vegetables to your desired texture.
Add in the Raman noodles and cook until
the noodles are soft and season to taste.
Here I use kitchen shears to cut up
the softened noodles right in the soup pot.
Add in the butter, stir and serve warm.

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